Genuine human connection at work, made easy.

Private podcasts for employee stories.

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Screenshot of a company podcast in a podcast app on iPhone.
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Perfect for onboarding, team building, and connecting the real humans across your organization.

How it works

Record interviews with our AI interview host.

Each guest is interviewed about what makes them who they are. Professional editors create ~10 min episodes. Guests can request changes before approving.

The Real Human Project AI interviewer asking a question.

Listen to each other in your private podcast.

Episodes drop weekly* into your private podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts. Listening builds empathy, creates connection, and makes coworkers happier.

A collection of podcast player app icons.
Open up, comfortably.

Our AI Interview is a no-pressure way to share your authentic self. The meaningful connection this fosters leads to productivity and belonging.

Professionally edited.

We edit out pauses, "ums" and restarts. You give feedback, we make changes. You'll sound your very best.

Flexible for your org.

The AI interviewer can be customized for your org. Then start wherever makes sense: new hires, remote workers, or a single office.

* Release cadence up to you.

It is definitely a ‘short circuit’ to getting to know each other at a more fundamental level.
- Real Human participant, WeightWatchers

$495 per month for a weekly podcast.*

Cancel anytime.

* Release cadence up to you.

98% of participants said they would recommend The Real Human Project.

“We don't share this kind of stuff often enough, and we should. Not just within our team but throughout the whole company.”
“I'm a new employee, and this experience helped me accelerate my ability to get to know my [team].”
“It made me realize how little I knew about some of my colleagues, even though I've been working with them for a while.”
“It’s simple: Your people will like each other more, which leads to better outcomes for the business.”
Start connecting your humans today.
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